$249.00 USD

ONE TIME OFFER - Normally $125

After receiving their report most people are thinking, well, what now?

Let's take a walk through your report together and make the most of it.

Get one 50-minute private deep dive session to help make sense of your report and identify the next steps in your growth process for only $50

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Choose your DISC Indicator Report


Imagine having a map that not only guides you through the complex landscape of personalities but also highlights your unique path within it. 

That's the Maxwell DISC Indicator Report for you.

Picture this: a detailed, yet easy-to-digest rundown of what makes you, well, you — in the realm of how you think, work, and connect with others. It's like peering into a mirror that reveals not just your reflection but the intricate details of your personality style.

This report is your backstage pass to understanding your own behavioral styles and how they mesh (or sometimes clash) with others. Think of it as getting the inside scoop on your strengths, areas for growth, and how you can navigate the social seas with more confidence and a touch of flair. It’s professional insight with a sprinkle of magic, aiming to bridge gaps, enhance teamwork, and sprinkle a little more understanding in your day-to-day interactions. So, let’s dive in, shall we? Get ready to meet yourself in a whole new light.

Purchase the TEST and REPORT ONLY here or upgrade to the course and coaching program - Embrace your Authenticity & Thrive here

What People Are Saying:

I’ve gotten so much value so far, but still the biggest takeaway for me is that only 11% of people think like I do. Knowing that set me free from thinking I am not a good communicator.

Chelsea, The Sister Lifter

Wow! As Marissa Tomei would say in My Cousin Vinny, Dead on 🔮🏀 accurate! I took the Entrepreneur assessment and got my results in minutes. Turns out, my style is a Communicator, which is perfect since I teach storytelling. The results were incredible. It showed how my public self, private self, and perceived self as an entrepreneur differ from my original DISC assessment. Fascinating! As I read through the results, I kept thinking, "This is so me!" Bottom line – if you're an entrepreneur, sign up for this NOW!

Missy, Founder of What’s Your Story

Thanks to the DISC Indicator Report, I now have a toolkit of effective communication strategies at my disposal. I've already seen a positive shift in how I communicate with colleagues, clients, and even my family.
